Game of Thrones Mad King: A Deep Dive

In the realm of Westeros, where power struggles and political turmoil abound, there stands a figure whose name evokes both fear and fascination: the Mad King. This enigmatic monarch, known as Aerys II Targaryen, played a pivotal role in the events that would shape the destiny of the Seven Kingdoms.

Aerys's descent into madness was a gradual and complex process, marked by a series of traumatic events that eroded his sanity. His paranoia and delusions grew with time, fueling his cruel and erratic behavior, which ultimately led to his downfall and the end of the Targaryen dynasty.

This article delves into the life and reign of Aerys II Targaryen, exploring the factors that contributed to his madness and the consequences of his actions on the realm.

Game of Thrones Mad King

The "Mad King" Aerys II Targaryen was a complex and tragic figure in the realm of Westeros. His descent into madness was a gradual and complex process, marked by a series of traumatic events that eroded his sanity.

  • Paranoia and delusions
  • Cruel and erratic behavior
  • Death of loved ones
  • Defiance of noble houses
  • Pyromania and wildfire
  • Imprisonment and torture
  • Assassination attempt
  • Overthrow and death

Aerys's madness had a profound impact on the realm, leading to the deaths of countless innocent people and the eventual downfall of the Targaryen dynasty.

Paranoia and delusions

Aerys II Targaryen's paranoia and delusions were a प्रमुख factor in his descent into madness. He became increasingly suspicious of those around him, believing that they were plotting against him. He also developed a number of bizarre and irrational beliefs, such as the idea that he was made of fire and could not be harmed.

  • Fear of assassination: Aerys was convinced that his enemies were trying to kill him, and he took extreme measures to protect himself, such as wearing a suit of armor under his clothes and sleeping with a dagger under his pillow.
  • Mistrust of his advisors: Aerys came to believe that his advisors were conspiring against him, and he often ignored their advice or had them executed. This made it difficult for him to make sound decisions, and it further isolated him from those who could have helped him.
  • Belief in his own divinity: Aerys developed a grandiose sense of self-importance, believing that he was a god-like figure who was above the law. This led him to make increasingly erratic and dangerous decisions, such as ordering the execution of innocent people.
  • Pyromania and wildfire: Aerys became obsessed with fire, and he often threatened to burn down the entire city of King's Landing if he was disobeyed. He also had a habit of burning people alive, which further alienated him from his subjects.

Aerys's paranoia and delusions had a devastating impact on his reign. He became increasingly isolated and erratic, and his behavior eventually led to his downfall and the end of the Targaryen dynasty.

Cruel and erratic behavior

Aerys II Targaryen's cruel and erratic behavior was a major symptom of his madness. He became increasingly sadistic and unpredictable, taking pleasure in the suffering of others. He also made a number of impulsive and irrational decisions, which often had disastrous consequences.

  • Executions and torture: Aerys had a habit of executing people for even the most minor offenses. He also enjoyed torturing his victims, often using fire as a means of inflicting pain. This behavior terrorized the people of King's Landing, and it made Aerys increasingly isolated and unpopular.
  • Burning of Rickard and Brandon Stark: One of the most notorious examples of Aerys's cruelty was the burning of Rickard and Brandon Stark. When Brandon rode to King's Landing to demand the release of his sister Lyanna, Aerys had him arrested and executed. He then forced Rickard to watch his son burn alive before killing him as well.
  • Sack of King's Landing: Aerys's cruelty reached its peak during the Sack of King's Landing. After the city was sacked by the forces of Robert Baratheon, Aerys ordered his pyromancers to burn the city to the ground. Thousands of innocent people were killed in the resulting fire, and the city was reduced to ashes.
  • Death of Elia Martell and her children: After the Sack of King's Landing, Aerys was overthrown and imprisoned. However, before he could be brought to justice, he was killed by Jaime Lannister. Before his death, Aerys ordered the deaths of Elia Martell and her children, Rhaenys and Aegon. This act of senseless cruelty further cemented Aerys's legacy as one of the most evil and sadistic kings in Westerosi history.

Aerys's cruel and erratic behavior had a devastating impact on the realm. He became a symbol of fear and tyranny, and his actions led to the deaths of countless innocent people. His reign is a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked power and the importance of holding those in power accountable for their actions.

Death of loved ones

The death of loved ones was a major factor in Aerys II Targaryen's descent into madness. He was deeply affected by the loss of his wife, Rhaella, and his children, Rhaegar, Viserys, and Daenerys. These losses left him feeling isolated and alone, and they contributed to his growing paranoia and delusions.

Aerys was particularly close to his wife, Rhaella. They were married for over 20 years, and they had three children together. Rhaella was a kind and gentle woman, and she was a source of great comfort to Aerys. Her death in childbirth was a devastating blow to him, and it sent him into a deep depression.

Aerys was also deeply affected by the deaths of his children. Rhaegar was his eldest son and heir, and he was a source of great pride for Aerys. Viserys was his second son, and he was a bright and promising young man. Daenerys was his youngest child, and she was the only one of his children to survive infancy. The deaths of Rhaegar and Viserys left Aerys feeling like he had lost everything. He became increasingly withdrawn and isolated, and he began to lash out at those around him.

The death of his loved ones was a major turning point in Aerys's life. It sent him into a spiral of madness that would eventually lead to his downfall and the end of the Targaryen dynasty.

The death of loved ones can be a traumatic experience for anyone, but it can be especially difficult for those who are already struggling with mental illness. Aerys was already a paranoid and delusional individual, and the death of his loved ones only served to worsen his condition. His grief and loss led him to become increasingly isolated and withdrawn, and he eventually lost all touch with reality.

Defiance of noble houses

The defiance of noble houses was a major factor in Aerys II Targaryen's descent into madness. He was a proud and arrogant king, and he refused to tolerate any challenges to his authority. This led to a number of conflicts with powerful noble houses, which further eroded his sanity.

One of the most significant conflicts was with the Stark family of Winterfell. Lord Rickard Stark was a powerful and respected lord, and he was not afraid to speak his mind. This angered Aerys, who saw Stark as a threat to his authority. In a fit of rage, Aerys had Stark and his eldest son, Brandon, executed.

The execution of the Starks was a major turning point in Aerys's reign. It led to a rebellion by the northern houses, and it further isolated Aerys from his subjects. He became increasingly paranoid and suspicious, and he began to see enemies everywhere he looked.

Aerys's defiance of the noble houses also led to a number of other conflicts. He alienated the powerful Lannister family by refusing to marry his daughter, Cersei, to their heir, Jaime. He also angered the Tyrells by demanding that they provide him with a large army. These conflicts further weakened Aerys's position, and they made it more difficult for him to maintain control of the realm.

The defiance of the noble houses was a major factor in Aerys's downfall. He was unable to tolerate any challenges to his authority, and this led to a number of conflicts that eroded his sanity and weakened his position. His paranoia and delusions made it impossible for him to rule effectively, and he eventually lost the support of his subjects.

Pyromania and wildfire

Aerys II Targaryen was obsessed with fire. He kept a large cache of wildfire, a highly volatile and dangerous substance, beneath the Red Keep. He also had a habit of burning people alive, and he often threatened to burn down the entire city of King's Landing.

  • Burning of Lord Rickard and Brandon Stark: One of the most notorious examples of Aerys's pyromania was the burning of Lord Rickard and Brandon Stark. When Brandon rode to King's Landing to demand the release of his sister Lyanna, Aerys had him arrested and executed. He then forced Rickard to watch his son burn alive before killing him as well.
  • Threat to burn King's Landing: During the Sack of King's Landing, Aerys ordered his pyromancers to burn the city to the ground. Fortunately, Jaime Lannister was able to kill Aerys before his orders could be carried out.
  • Cache of wildfire beneath the Red Keep: Aerys kept a large cache of wildfire beneath the Red Keep. He planned to use this wildfire to burn down the city if he was ever overthrown.
  • Death by wildfire: Aerys was eventually killed by wildfire. When Jaime Lannister found him in the Red Keep, Aerys was sitting on the Iron Throne with a dagger in his hand. He was surrounded by wildfire, and he threatened to blow up the entire city if Jaime tried to stop him. Jaime ignored his threats and killed him, but not before Aerys was able to ignite the wildfire. The resulting explosion destroyed the Red Keep and killed thousands of people.

Aerys's pyromania and obsession with wildfire was a major symptom of his madness. He was fascinated by the destructive power of fire, and he often used it to terrorize and control those around him. His obsession with wildfire ultimately led to his downfall, and it remains one of the most iconic and tragic moments in the history of Westeros.

Imprisonment and torture

Aerys II Targaryen was known for his cruelty and sadism. He enjoyed torturing his victims, and he often had them imprisoned in his dungeons for long periods of time. Some of his most notable victims include:

  • Willem Darry: Darry was the master-at-arms of the Red Keep. He was imprisoned and tortured by Aerys after he refused to execute Lord Rickard and Brandon Stark.
  • Lord Rickard and Brandon Stark: The Lord of Winterfell and his eldest son were imprisoned and tortured by Aerys after Brandon rode to King's Landing to demand the release of his sister Lyanna.
  • Jaime Lannister: Jaime was a member of the Kingsguard. He was imprisoned and tortured by Aerys after he killed Aerys's father, King Aerys I.
  • Varys: Varys was a eunuch and a master of whispers. He was imprisoned and tortured by Aerys after he was accused of plotting against the king.

Aerys's use of imprisonment and torture was a major symptom of his madness. He enjoyed inflicting pain on others, and he often used it to control and intimidate those around him. His victims were often innocent people who had done nothing to deserve his wrath. Aerys's cruelty and sadism ultimately led to his downfall, and it remains one of the most disturbing aspects of his reign.

Assassination attempt

In 281 AC, Aerys II Targaryen was the target of an assassination attempt by a group of nobles led by Lord Jon Connington. The assassins managed to infiltrate the Red Keep and reach Aerys's chambers, but they were stopped by Jaime Lannister, who was a member of the Kingsguard.

The assassination attempt was a major turning point in Aerys's reign. It made him even more paranoid and suspicious, and it led him to lash out at those around him. He began to see enemies everywhere, and he trusted no one.

Aerys's paranoia and delusions made it impossible for him to rule effectively. He became increasingly isolated and withdrawn, and he spent most of his time in his chambers, surrounded by a small group of trusted advisors. He also began to make increasingly erratic and dangerous decisions, which further alienated his subjects.

The assassination attempt was a major factor in Aerys's downfall. It sent him into a spiral of madness that would eventually lead to his overthrow and death. It also showed the growing discontent among the nobility, and it helped to pave the way for Robert's Rebellion.

The assassination attempt on Aerys II Targaryen was a significant event in the history of Westeros. It marked a turning point in Aerys's reign, and it played a major role in his eventual downfall. It also showed the growing discontent among the nobility, and it helped to pave the way for Robert's Rebellion.

Overthrow and death

Aerys II Targaryen was overthrown and killed in 283 AC during Robert's Rebellion. The rebellion was led by Robert Baratheon, who was the Lord of Storm's End. Baratheon had been betrothed to Aerys's daughter, Cersei, but Aerys had broken off the betrothal and married Cersei to Jaime Lannister instead.

  • Sack of King's Landing: The rebels marched on King's Landing and sacked the city. During the sack, Aerys ordered his pyromancers to burn the city to the ground, but Jaime Lannister was able to kill Aerys before his orders could be carried out.
  • Death by Jaime Lannister: Jaime found Aerys sitting on the Iron Throne with a dagger in his hand. Aerys was surrounded by wildfire, and he threatened to blow up the entire city if Jaime tried to stop him. Jaime ignored his threats and killed him, but not before Aerys was able to ignite the wildfire. The resulting explosion destroyed the Red Keep and killed thousands of people.
  • End of the Targaryen dynasty: Aerys's death marked the end of the Targaryen dynasty. His son, Viserys, and his daughter, Daenerys, were the only surviving members of the royal family, and they were both exiled from Westeros.
  • Robert Baratheon crowned king: After Aerys's death, Robert Baratheon was crowned king of Westeros. He ruled for 15 years, until he was killed by a boar while hunting.

Aerys's overthrow and death was a major turning point in the history of Westeros. It marked the end of the Targaryen dynasty and the beginning of a new era of peace and prosperity. However, Aerys's legacy continues to haunt Westeros, and his madness remains a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked power.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Aerys II Targaryen, the Mad King:

Question 1: What were the main symptoms of Aerys's madness?
Answer: Aerys's madness was characterized by a number of symptoms, including paranoia, delusions, cruelty, and erratic behavior.

Question 2: What events contributed to Aerys's descent into madness?
Answer: A number of events contributed to Aerys's descent into madness, including the deaths of his loved ones, the defiance of noble houses, and his own imprisonment and torture.

Question 3: What was Aerys's relationship with his family?
Answer: Aerys was deeply affected by the deaths of his wife and children. He became increasingly isolated and withdrawn, and he began to lash out at those around him.

Question 4: What was Aerys's relationship with the noble houses of Westeros?
Answer: Aerys's relationship with the noble houses of Westeros was strained. He was a proud and arrogant king, and he refused to tolerate any challenges to his authority.

Question 5: What was Aerys's obsession with wildfire?
Answer: Aerys was fascinated by the destructive power of fire. He kept a large cache of wildfire beneath the Red Keep, and he often threatened to burn down the entire city of King's Landing.

Question 6: How did Aerys die?
Answer: Aerys was killed by Jaime Lannister during the Sack of King's Landing. Jaime found him sitting on the Iron Throne with a dagger in his hand. Aerys was surrounded by wildfire, and he threatened to blow up the entire city if Jaime tried to stop him. Jaime ignored his threats and killed him, but not before Aerys was able to ignite the wildfire.

Aerys's madness was a major factor in his downfall and the end of the Targaryen dynasty. He was a cruel and erratic ruler, and his actions led to the deaths of countless innocent people. His story is a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked power and the importance of holding those in power accountable for their actions.

In addition to the information provided in the FAQ, here are a few additional tips for understanding Aerys II Targaryen, the Mad King:


Here are a few tips for understanding Aerys II Targaryen, the Mad King:

1. Read the books and watch the show: The best way to understand Aerys's character is to read the A Song of Ice and Fire books by George R.R. Martin and watch the Game of Thrones television series. These works provide a rich and detailed portrayal of Aerys's life and reign.

2. Pay attention to the historical context: Aerys's madness cannot be understood in isolation. It is important to consider the historical context of his reign, including the political and social forces that shaped his life.

3. Analyze Aerys's relationships: Aerys's relationships with his family, his advisors, and the noble houses of Westeros played a significant role in his development. By understanding these relationships, you can gain a deeper insight into his character.

4. Consider the psychological factors: Aerys's madness was not simply a result of his upbringing or his experiences. There were also psychological factors at play, such as his paranoia, his delusions, and his sadism.

By following these tips, you can gain a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of Aerys II Targaryen, the Mad King.

Aerys's story is a complex and tragic tale of a king who was driven mad by power. He was a cruel and erratic ruler, but he was also a victim of his own circumstances. By understanding the factors that contributed to his madness, we can learn valuable lessons about the dangers of unchecked power and the importance of holding those in power accountable for their actions.


Aerys II Targaryen, the Mad King, was one of the most complex and tragic characters in the history of Westeros. His reign was marked by cruelty, paranoia, and madness, and he ultimately led his kingdom to ruin.

There were many factors that contributed to Aerys's madness, including the deaths of his loved ones, the defiance of noble houses, his own imprisonment and torture, and his obsession with wildfire. However, it is important to remember that Aerys was not simply a victim of his circumstances. He was also a cruel and sadistic individual who enjoyed inflicting pain on others.

Aerys's story is a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked power and the importance of holding those in power accountable for their actions. It is also a reminder that even the most powerful people are not immune to the ravages of madness.

In the end, Aerys's madness led to his downfall and the end of the Targaryen dynasty. His legacy is a dark one, but it is also a reminder of the importance of fighting against tyranny and injustice.